Dietless Living® is not a mindset or change belief program per say, although you will definitely change your beliefs and develop a success mindset.

Dietless Living® does not tell you what to eat, although you will definitely learn how to guide yourself to the food that is most helpful to you and that you like and love to eat and will give you the results you want.

No. You are an adult and you will get to choose the foods you want to eat. You do learn how to do that so you can achieve your desired outcomes.

The only recipes are recipes to help you successfully lose weight for life with proven strategies and tools to change your relationship with food, exercise, your life and yourself.

Dietless Living® is not an exercise program. But you will definitely discover fun ways to move your body that you choose to do simply for the sheer pleasure of doing it that will give you exceptional health benefits.

Dietless Living® does include the psychology of eating, but it is so much more than that and you will learn everything you need to know to understand your own personal psychology of eating.

Dietless Living® isn’t results driven; it’s about the process that delivers you the results for the short term and more importantly, sustainably for the long term. But you will feel relieved, renewed and excited very soon after beginning the program.

The problems never been what you eat, it’s always been why you eat it. And to gain true mastery over your habits, patterns and behaviours that are behind what you eat is what you will learn through Dietless Living®.

Because this is how we want to live; we want to forget about dieting, focus on living and be slender, healthy, and happy. We want to live the life we've been looking for and we want to do it now.

Dietless Living® Academy courses provide Freedom Codes™, not lessons.
They're called Freedom Codes™ because they are specially designed to help you connect with your unconscious habits, routines, and behaviours so that you can use your conscious self to create change at a non-conscious level.

The ability to lead ourselves beyond our own non-conscious habits, routines, responses, and behaviours and change our health, happiness, and lifestyle so we can lose weight naturally, for life. It's about creating alignment between you and you so you can have choices, freedom, and control™.

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