6 Tips To Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss

Oct 05, 2021

6 Tips To Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss

The diet and weight loss industry makes billions of dollars every year from people who really need actual help to change their eating habits, patterns and behaviours and make some real sustainable lifestyle changes that support that.

Diet and weight loss pills and programs do not teach you the strategies and techniques on how to change your eating habits, patterns, and behaviours; and more importantly, they don't teach you how to manage your thoughts and emotions that are tied up to emotional eating, binge eating, and overeating.

So, how do you achieve sustainable weight loss?
Here are 6 tips to help you achieve sustainable weight loss;

1.     Set realistic goals
There is no such thing as overnight success. Sustainable weight loss takes focus and attention but more importantly, you need to have knowledge of whats happening in your body and what to do to change your experiences. It is important to set realistic goals and take things one step at a time.

2.     Follow the process.
You have to know that following the process is more important then looking at the scales. Health over rides a number on the scales. Follow a good process, reduce stress and anxiety and you will reduce the number on the scale too.

3.     Practice mindful eating
You have to continuously master the art of mindful eating. Learn to slow things down and actually enjoy the food you eat.

4.     Find an exercise you enjoy
Exercise does not have to be difficult and boring. Find a variety of simple strength building activities that you can do at home or the office or in the small amounts of time you can fit into your busy schedule, keep it simple.

5.     Manage your stress and emotions
Understand that stress and emotions are the number one drivers of your eating habits, patterns, and behaviours. Stress is the number 1 driver of your unhealthy eating habits.

6.     Enjoy the adventure
You didn't put the weight on in 5 minutes, so don't think you'll get it off in 10. Forget about dieting and focus on living, it can be a lot more fun than you think.

What can you do right now today to help yourself be healthier and happier?
Dietless Living Academy is helping busy, stressed executive women who want change to be easy, to live, laugh, love, lose weight for life & achieve more.

Because every Body deserves to feel great.

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