Give Yourself A Quick Mental Check

Jul 30, 2021

Using the list below, give yourself a quick mental health check


🤸‍♀️Mental Flexibility; you have the ability to see life from the perspective of others with curiosity & openness

🤸‍♀️Strong & Energetic; you have consistent good mental energy and can you mentally lift heavy things (situations, concepts, information, learn new things)

🤸‍♀️Active and productive; your mind is active in a productive and structured way that allows you to achieve your daily tasks with ease

🤸‍♀️It feels good to be you

🤸‍♀️Ability to monitor self talk and know the difference between what is helpful and what isn't

🤸‍♀️Clear & focused thinking, good concentration

🤸‍♀️Even & balanced temper, able to tolerate external and internal stressors well

🤸‍♀️Reliable; can consistently sort through emotions - identify, understand & express them in healthy, helpful ways

🤸‍♀️Feels like you have a sunny disposition

🤸‍♀️There is genuine generosity and giving spirit & whilst looking after your own personal needs, wants and desires

Great mental health is the gateway to great physical health and natural weight loss. If you're not happy with how you scored, contact me to find out more about how Dietless Living can help you.

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