How to Break the Rules & Achieve Your Goals in 2024

Dec 29, 2023

Are you a rule follower or a
rule breaker? 


Did you know rules are to stop anarchy? If there were no rules then life would be chaotic. But the rules we live by are often out-dated and preventing us from reaching our goals and ambitions. 


So as you step into 2024, think about the rules you were raised on: 

  • Rules of your family 
  • Rules of school 
  • Rules of religion 
  • Rules in your social groups 
  • Rules in every facet of your life 


Now think about your own person rules that you live your life by: 

  • Rules about weight loss 
  • Rules about work 
  • Rules about love 
  • Rules about money 
  • Rules about others 
  • Rules about what success you can have 
  • Rules about what you allow yourself to experience 
  • Rules about life 
  • Rules about the home 


Your rules are the collection of rules gathered throughout your life and this is how you're living your life right now.  


“Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change.”  

Therese Fowler 


It’s time now to evaluate what rules you want to keep and which ones you want to discard. 


If you want to stop the repeating patterns in your life, you have go a different way. 




All of them.  


If you want to experience something different, break all the rules you've been following. 


“Don’t be too timid or squeamish about your actions. 

All life is an experiment.  

The more experiments you make the better.” 

 Ralph Waldo Emerson 


There is more than one way to live life, which means there are more rules than the ones you have been living your life by, right? 


If you spend your life playing by the rules, and walking the safe path, it may mean you’re missing out on living the life you want. 




  1. Think about the rules you are following. 
  2. Choose one you would like to break. 
  3. Evaluate consequences up front. 
  4. Decide if it's a risk worth taking. 
  5. Prepare to be uncomfortable and doubt yourself 
  6. Do it, go ahead and break the rule!  
  7. Observe what happened. 
  8. Restate the rule or bin it completely. 
  9. Repeat. 


Never settle on a rule - life keeps changing, and your rules need to stay current with the changes you are experiencing. 


“Break the rules, find your freedom, live your life.”  

Amit Ray 


If you want to change the way you’re experiencing life but you find yourself bumping up against the same old behaviours and fears, and you keep reliving the same experiences over and over, like ground-hog day and you want to find the escape route, then it's time to develop your Personal Health Leadership™ mindset and skills. 


We can lead ourselves to the health and happiness we’re looking.  


You start here today by booking in for a private consultation session 


Your life is for living and an ounce of adjustment is always easier to implement than 20 pound of change™. 


It's time to enjoy the life you’ve been looking for™. 

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