How to Embrace Change and Choose Happiness

Jun 23, 2023


Today I’m exploring the power of mindset and how we can choose happiness by deliberately reframing our thoughts. Because that’s where our superpower is, in taking what bubbles up from consciousness and reframing it so we can coach ourselves to a better feeling place. 


So lets begin…… 


Leaving the Past Behind  


Imagine having a time machine that allows you to revisit any moment in your past. While we can't change the past, we can bring forward any experience into our now. You’re not going to bring the unpleasant ones forward are you? You’d choose the experiences that brought you joy and fulfilment wouldn’t you?  


Yet our minds are always focused on the unpleasant things from our past, dwelling on and replaying them repeatedly. Why do we do that? 


Understanding Our Mind's Process  


When things don't go as planned, our brains instinctively try to understand why and how we ended up in an undesirable situation. This mechanism aims to help us avoid similar pitfalls in the future.  


However, continually revisiting the past and trying to resolve unchangeable events can trap us in a cycle of negativity. 


Choosing a New Path  


What if you allowed yourself to break free from this cycle? We have the power to choose new thoughts.  


By noticing when your mind drift to unpleasant memories, you can pause and redirect your focus. Instead of digging up the old bones from the past, you can shift your gaze to more pleasing memories or find something enjoyable in the present moment. 


Embrace Playfulness and Fun  


The key is to approach this process with a playful mindset. Think of it as a game of tag with your thoughts.  


When your brain starts dwelling on unchangeable events, catch it and shift your attention elsewhere. The more you redirect your thoughts, the better you'll feel.  


This isn’t about positive thinking; it's about correct thinking. This is the essence of self-coaching. 


This Week's Reflection  


Take a moment to reflect on your own thought patterns. Are there any past events that keep resurfacing in your mind?  


Challenge yourself to kick the dirt back over them and choose to focus on experiences that bring a smile to your face. It can be something from the past or even a simple moment of joy in the present.  


Remember, it doesn't have to be grand or elaborate; it just needs to be easy on your mind. 


Stay Connected Thank you for being a part of my email list! I appreciate your support and engagement. If you've enjoyed this article, consider sharing it with your friends and loved ones. Help me spread the message of embracing change and choosing happiness. 


Visit and leave a reply to let me know your thoughts. I always look forward to hearing from you. 


Wishing you a week filled with self-discovery and playfulness! 

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