Mistakes I’ve made #1 Take No Prisoners

Nov 27, 2021

The mind is a funny thing you know.

I always marveled at how I could know I was fat but still some part of my brain would be telling me that I was hiding it well from the world, nobody else could see it. That would be until eventually something would happen that would illustrate to me that I wasn’t hiding it at all.

Those times were often when I’d see a photo of myself.

When that realisation would come, that I needed to lose weight, when something would jar me into action, there was always a wave of panic, and the resounding thought in my head was "Get it off me, now!"

When I’d reach that point, that panic would result in the first biggest mistake I would make time and time again.

I’d dive in boots and all! I wanted quick fixes and I wanted them immediately!

My plan for change was always;
·       Get on very calorie-restrictive diet
·       Restrict food groups – normally carbs and fat
·       Coupled with intensive exercising 3- 5 times a week at gym, doing boot camps and running every other day trying to burn through the calories to get the result fast

The problem was, my mind and body was already living in a state of survival all day every day, my fitness levels were low, I had other stress related health issues and I’d already tapped my energy reserves. Because I was like most women, my diary was bulging and I had a to do list that never ended. I was working 50, 60, 70, hours a week under time pressures and deadlines, with staff issues, conflict, and burning the midnight oil at home.

Pushing my body further into a state of survival by putting it on a highly caloric restricted diet and pushing it to burn even more calories through intensive exercise that my unfit body was not ready for, I was metaphorically, and almost literally, whipping a dead horse (my body) and pushing it to do more and give more.

And whether the weight came back fast or slow depended on what was happening in my life at those times. But come back it always did! There was not a question of would it, it was just a question of when.

There is so much more to losing weight than just changing how you eat and exercise.

Health is more than a number on the scales.


Dietless Living is helping busy, stressed women who want change to be easy, to live, laugh, love, lose weight for life & achieve more.

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