Stop comparing yourself to others!

Dec 14, 2020


Do you compare yourself to other people and is your self talk not very complementary?

Would you rather deepen your relationship with yourself and develop greater confidence?

I'd like to talk to you about comparing ourselves to others because we constantly do it as a human being.

Our brain is constantly doing a rough check of every person and everything to see if we're up to scratch.

People nowadays are constantly comparing our bodies to other people because we are impacted by the standard that society has made.

We see other people losing weight more quickly than we are or maybe getting better results than we are and we think we are not doing enough. And then, we start to feel inferior in some way, we become harsh to ourselves.

How fast you can get to your goal is not the measure of success but rather the moment it takes to get there. It's the journey, it's the process!

When you stop comparing yourself to others;

🧡you show respect to yourself
🧡you treat yourself with kindness and respect
🧡you create positive self-talk
🧡you trust yourself more
🧡develop greater confidence
🧡you become a happy person
🧡you make better choices in every area of your life

So, the next time you catch yourself comparing yourself to others;

🗸check-in with your thought
🗸use it to encourage yourself rather than demotivate you
🗸acknowledge that everybody is unique
🗸know that everyone has their own pace and time
🗸value your journey
🗸trust the process

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