Make your weight loss and health changes more sustainable

motivation & success Dec 30, 2022

The biggest challenge for most people is maintaining their weight loss and their health improvements. It's hard to maintain the change in a world that's constantly evolving and changing.

That’s why it's important to think of ways to maintain the changes in your habits and lifestyle and one way is to get help from people who are experts in this area.

There are many things that people can do to make their weight loss and health changes more sustainable. For example, you can create a plan for the change you want to maintain and then take small steps towards it every day and if you do this along with surrounding yourself with supportive people who share your goals and values you will be well on your way to success.


#dietlessliving #katiegordon #overcomingweightlossobstacles #6simplesteps #challenges #weightlosstips #weightlosscoach #weightloss 

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If you’re an ordinary person, you can make big changes too!

I’m not a skinny Minnie, but I got rid of about 20+kg in weight in 2011 and I’ve remained at my current body size ever since…because I finally worked out what causes it.  

I know that sounds funny, stupid even to say I didn’t know what caused me to put on weight…clearly it was the amount of calories I was consuming, but what I mean is
, I didn’t know what caused the frenzy on eating. And I can tell you, no one else knows what causes it either, because if they did, we wouldn’t have the problems we have. 

I don’t have a degree in nutrition, psychology or fitness. 

But sometimes, actions and results speak louder than degrees. 

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.  

Theory that hasn’t been applied is just that, theory. 

But theory that has been applied, tested and collated, that is knowledge 

And everything that I teach is something I learned (theory),...

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I was so excited to release the Food Is My Friend™ online course!

This short course is designed to help you overcome the weight loss obstacle of rebuilding your relationship with food so you can get back in touch with yourself and change our body’s relationship to food.


This is the beginning of a great relationship and the gateway to enjoying the life you’ve been looking for.


Do you want to:


Change the way you think, feel, view and react to food


Deepen your understanding and connection to the food you select


Strengthen your resolve and accelerate habit change and achievement of your health success goals?


If you’re ready to get into your operating system so you can re-build your relationship with food and create new habits & behaviours that support the life you want to live, enrol today.


Everyone who enrols today will receive a gift of a 1-1 private session with me.


Step into the festive season feeling relaxed and confident.


Food Is My Friend™ Is a...

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What's a Freedom Code™?

motivation & success Nov 23, 2022

It's what Dietless Living® Academy programs have instead of lessons.

Because the word code means;

Secret communication

And in computing terms code means;

Program instructions.

The human mind is likened to a computer & the freedom codes are designed to be your secret communication and program instructions to yourself so you can create change at the non-conscious level.

Food Is My Friend™ short online program has been specifically designed to deliver 5 Freedom Codes™ and each freedom code builds onto each other to create the full transformational program.

I'm super excited to launch Food Is My Friend™ next Monday Nov 28.

Embracing these Freedom Codes™ over the next few weeks is the perfect way to step into Christmas feeling relaxed and comfortable around food knowing you have choices, freedom and control™.

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How can I make exercise easy?

Today I want to talk about how to remove the rules and make it easy for ourselves to move our bodies.

I recently started going to the gym again after many years of just enjoying doing my KT Gym at home.

I to join the gym again as they have machines that can work some muscles in better ways.

I stopped going to gyms over a decade ago though because it was all too hard to manage; packing a bag so I could do it before or after work, having to set aside at least 2 hours of my day to get there, do a work out etc. It was all too arduous on top of hectic work and life schedules it was not something I could maintain.

But now I’ve change the rules that I had about going to gym.

I am now near enough to a gym that I can walk there in my lunch hour and I make it as easy as possible for me to overcome the obstacle of myself so I can go 3 times a week.

To overcome my own objections about how time/effort/interest, I make it as easy as possible for myself. I don’t change my clothes or my...

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Develop Your Personal Health Leadership™ Skills

Changing our lifestyle isn’t always easy, but it can be done with the right approach, strategy, and mindset. When we’re able to maintain a change in our lifestyle we feel more confident, experience less stress, sleep better and have better relationships with ourselves and others.

And the most effective way to maintain a change is to develop your Personal Health Leadership™ skills.

We all know that we should eat better, exercise more, and sleep well. But we can't seem to find the time or motivation to make those changes happen and keep up the maintenance of them so they become part of our ongoing life.

The reality is that true weight loss comes from improving the health of our mind and body and changing our choices in food and keeping our bodies strong and flexible has a profound impact on that. But it’s through developing our Personal Health Leadership™ skills that will ultimately lead us to making and maintaining those changes for the rest of our life....

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Dietless Living is about enjoying life.

I wanted to create a weight loss program that helps people lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, because we want a way to enjoy our food and our life don’t we?

This is a way to lose weight and positively impact health through changing habits and lifestyle while preventing
relapse, it’s about longevity of change. The program consists of four different phases:

Phase 1: Identifying the problem
Phase 2: Changing the environment
Phase 3: Changing the routine
Phase 4: Maintaining the change

This way of living leads to weight loss success because it goes through the process of elevating happiness through changes in health that naturally lead to weight loss, backed up by a system to prevent relapse so you can enjoy
your life with a new healthier and happier body.

It's a process that can be followed by anyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy for life and the program is divided into three sections: preparation, change, and maintenance.

In each section there are...

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How to turn your bathroom scales into friend not foe

Are you bathroom scales a friend or foe?

Do you give your bathroom scales too much power over your happiness?

I did.

Until I realised I was asking them for the wrong information.

Instead of asking them to tell me how much weight I was losing when I was on a diet, I should have been using them every day to tell me how much weight I was putting on!

The brain is a tricky thing and it used to always befuddle me how I could gain 20kg without noticing?

Yes, you heard me right…I could put on 20kg’s without noticing!

Maybe you’ve had the same experience?

I don’t know how many times I asked myself “How on earth did I gain 20kg without noticing?

Well, here’s the answer, and it’s a ridiculously simple one too……

It happens because we simply stop stepping on the bathroom scales when we don’t like what they tell us.

Instead of using the information in a constructive way i.e.; take note of what’s happening and make small...

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What it takes to be an expert.

motivation & success Sep 23, 2022

It’s easy to forget how much we know about things that really captivate us or the areas of life that we’ve been imbued with isn’t it?

I was in a conversation with some people who were talking about a previous co-worker. They were talking about them with the curiosity that only hindsight seems to bring to challenging work situations, and I offered some perspectives that they didn’t seem to be seeing.
What I didn’t notice was that I talked for about half an hour to what turned out to be a captivated audience. They were blown away by the depth of knowledge I was sharing and of the multiple reference points that I was leading from.

I left that conversation thinking to myself, why was my conversation so exhilarating for them when what I was sharing was reasonably basic information?

I’m still not sure to be honest, but after some contemplation, I think that what is basic knowledge to me on that topic isn’t really basic to others who haven’t...

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What Dietless Living Specializes

When we go on a weight loss program of any kind, we know they're trying to help us. But they just don't realise that we have to overcome the obstacles of our non-conscious mind to get the full and everlasting value and benefits of their program.

Dietless Living specializes in:
Health Mindset
New Habit Formation
Overcoming Obstacles
Changing relationship to food, exercise and self
Anticipating & Preventing Habit Relapse

We all have the resources within ourselves to lose weight, gain health, elevate well-being and happiness and enjoy the life we're looking for. We just need to know how to access, strengthen and connect them.

Chat soon,

Katie G xxx


#overcomeweightlossobstacles #6simplesteps #dietlessliving #katiegordon #healthmindset #weightlosscoach #habits #foodfreedom #happiness

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