Know your foods so you can #noyourfood™

Abstainers and Moderators: Which are you with which foods?

Moderator: a person who can open a bottle of beverage, a block of chocolate, a bag of crisps, a packet of lollies or biscuits or have a particular cuisine and only eat 1 serving of it.

This means they can put the rest back in the fridge or cupboard and forget about it until another day, then the next time, just have one serving and put it aside again. They can even have it in plain sight all day every day and still only have one serving every other day with ease.

Abstainer: a person who is not a moderator with certain foods and despite their best efforts, they consume most or all in one sitting. Their best course of action with those food and beverages is to abstain from them. The saying that one’s too many and one hundred’s not enough is their motto for those items.

To know if you need to abstain from certain food and beverages, consider if once something has been bought or opened whether it must be eaten, and...

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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 017 with Glenn Kirkwood

podcast Aug 30, 2022

How we respond in the first instance to the big changes in life that we didn’t see coming isn’t always our best response.

That’s the thing about being human right? We just don’t recognise that we’re responding in unhelpful ways. Glenn Kirkwood had that kind of experience when his hugely successful business was taken from him. But it’s not what you do in the first instance, it’s whether you have the ability to recoginse what you’re doing and then take corrective action and take control of your circumstances rather than be a victim to them.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes or Google.


#overcomingobstacles #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #6simplesteps #change #business #health #success

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Know your food so you can #noyourfood

health & happiness Aug 26, 2022

Is losing weight and gaining health the same thing to your or are they different?

If they’re the same thing to you, than teaching yourself to read labels is crucial.

Being able to differentiate between slick marketing that tells you something is good for and being able to flip over the product and read the label and find out for yourself is empowering.

A rule of thumb to follow is that the first 3 ingredients listed = the bulk of the product.

The 2nd ingredient for this product is fructose.

There is a pretty good article about fructose on google: "Is Fructose Bad for You? The Surprising Truth."

The summary of the short article is: "Fructose is a type of sugar that makes up around 50% of table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Scientists are concerned that excessive intake may cause metabolic disorders."

And: "Many scientists believe that excess fructose consumption may be a key driver of many of the most serious diseases of today. These include obesity, type II diabetes,...

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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 016 with Rachel Smith

podcast Aug 22, 2022


It’s hard to say what’s the most fascinating thing about Rachel Smith?

Is it that she has given, not 1 but 2 TED talks? Or perhaps that she didn’t buy anything new or second-hand for 12 months and save 38% of her salary whilst still doing everything she loved to do?

Maybe it’s what she did after she lost her business in the pandemic? Or that when you ask her where to buy her book, she will direct you to your nearest library?

But I think it’s her integrity, and that she chooses to live by her values, and even though this creates some very rough sailing for her at times, she stands by what is important to her and she always gets what she wants, in fact, it’s by leaning on her values in hard times that actually gets her through.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, or Google.


#overcomingobstacles #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #6simplesteps #change #finances...

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Favourite photo.

playfulness & fun Aug 19, 2022

I really love cormorants, they are a bit like penguins I think in the way they present themselves and do the things they do. They always make me smile when I see them sunning themselves.
This fellow was standing in the line where those of us who were feeding the dolphin were lining up to get our fish...I think he was a bit of a regular!

#fun #nature #healthyhappylife #outsidetime #6simplesteps #katiegordon

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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 015 with James Browne

podcast Aug 15, 2022

What would you do if you were 6 months before retirement when the world economy crashes and wipes out your investments and you lose everything?

That’s what happened to James Browne in the GFC.

How does that affect your health, your relationship, your family and you? How do you leverage the feelings you have; the anger, shock, grief and fear, into positive channels that benefit not you, but others?

This is the magic of James Browne. At arguably one of the worst times of his life, he turned his attention to helping others.

#overcomingweightlossobstacles #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #takesavillage #6simplesteps #GFC #change #finances #helpingothers #business #health #kingmaker

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Overcome Weight Loss Obstacles Tip:

Don’t burn the candle out at both ends; this seems like a no brainer statement but it’s increasingly disregarded as we strive to achieve more at the expense of our sleep.

Getting good quality sleep will help you manage your emotions better which in turn will help you choose health giving life supporting energy building food and beverages.

When we’re tired we consistently reach for food and beverages to “pick us up” but the reality is they push us down.

Alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages and even sugary beverages at night also cause poor sleep patterns which lead to brain fog and feeling lethargic the next day, which leads you to continuing the cycle of looking for pick me ups, which adds stress to your mind and body, which leads you back to looking for either more pick me up foods or soothing your rough emotional states with food.

Sleep is your friend, it will help you achieve more simply because you will think clearer and feel better, which in...

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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 014 with Sally Estlin

podcast Aug 08, 2022

I had a very lively chat with Sally Estlin about overcoming some of the big obstacles of life such as burnout, how to pick yourself up again after divorce, health, and the importance of taking care of ourselves right now.

#overcomingweightlossobstacles #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #takesavillage #6simplesteps #divorce #change #burnout #sports #business #health #takingcareofyourself

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Have you tried the laughter yoga?

guesting & appearance Aug 05, 2022

I am super fortunate to be a part of The Influence Business Network Group which is an amazing group of UK business owners and I'm all the more honoured to be their only Australian representative (so far).

Every time we meet there is something memorable happening and at our last meeting I was thrilled to be a part of Claire Dallimore's Laughter Yoga!

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s an invigorating and entertaining way to start each and every day. We laughed our way through 30 minutes of a normal morning routine‍ – and I can tell you, there is no longer anything normal about my morning routine!

I have been giggling my way out of bed every morning since and hee hee hee-ing and ho ho ho-ing my way around the house and finding and releasing all the giggles, chuckles and belly laughs every day! Sensational time .

Thank you Claire, you are an absolute breath of fresh air.

Do connect with Claire Dallimore if you want to find out more about what she does.



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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 013 with Lindsey Legg

podcast Aug 01, 2022

Where does the mental fortitude to constantly overcome obstacles come from? Is it something you’re born with or is it a skill, a muscle that you build over your life?

I truly believe that even if you're born with it, you still have to be living a great life that helps you to constantly hone that resilience and mental fortitude and we do that through the challenges we give ourselves.

And that's why Lindsey Legg has mental fortitude in spades! This woman is the very definition of unstoppable!

Lindsey is the essence of femininity with so much creative talent and a mind that’s constantly creating, that I can’t help but think she’s a female Leonardo Da Vinci! She’s also a champion athlete in multiple sports including kick boxing, she runs 3 businesses, has 3 young children, used to sit for hours as a child and draw the objects she could see around the house, and taught herself to draw portraits and see’s design in everything she looks at.

Her mental...

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