Redirect Your Thoughts, Feelings And Behaviours | Dietless Living


"You have to learn how to redirect your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and coach yourself."

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Are you putting off your happiness because you still haven't achieved X?

health & happiness Sep 23, 2021

I will be happy when...
I will be happy as soon as...
I'm not going to be happy as I am...

Are you saying any of those to yourself or others?

Are you putting off your happiness because you still haven't achieved X?

A certain body size?
A specific weight?
Your dream job?
The business you've long wanted to build?
A loving relationship?
A certain income level?

Happiness should not be put off.

You can be happy while pursuing the things that you want to do or achieve in life.

Stop undermining your happiness! Be happy now!


Here are 5 simple ways you can be happy now;

Daily reminder
Remind yourself daily of your bigger purpose. Use a mantra, daily ritual, or journaling to help ground yourself in what matters most to you.

Know your destination
You want to be certain of who you want to be and where you want to go. When are certain about your goals you create better plans to achieving them.

Celebrate the journey
Celebrate your small wins and savor your progress. Remember, happiness is not the destination;...

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Too Much; Too Soon!


What's the biggest mistake women do when trying to lose weight?

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Health Is not A Result Of Once In A Lifetime Transformation

Health is not a result of a once in a lifetime transformation but a series of small steps every day towards changing your habits and preventing relapse back into old ones.

Health is not achieved by just following a specific diet plan or exercise program because to be healthy is to be willing to take the long road of changing how you think, feel and react to life.

You will only achieve sustainable health if you change your old unhealthy habits to healthy and helpful ones.

And creating new healthy habits, its easier than you think, but you have to do it every day, not just on the days you feel like it.

Most times, you will find yourself on the brink of slipping back to your old habits but if you keep your promise to yourself and do the following tips, you will achieve sustainable health by creating sustainable habit change;

Set real health goals, not just a number on the scales:
The best thing you can do is to breakdown your big goals to small little steps so you can achieve little by...

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Some Tips On How To Live a Balanced Life

health & happiness Sep 10, 2021

If we want to live a balanced life, then we need to balance our emotions instead of anchoring them to food and beverages, instead of divorcing ourselves from them and burying ourselves in "busy" work, instead of running away what we can't run away from - our internal discomfort.

I remember when my life was out of balance, when my life was so full it was actually empty and I was using food and beverages as a substitute for everything that was missing.

What I really needed - wanted - was someone who understood my situation, someone who actually understood what I was experiencing AND had answers to help me resolve it myself. I wanted someone to walk beside me and help me through it all the way.

Living a balanced life is obtainable, even if you're living the most chaotic one right now, there is a way, and it's way easier than you think.

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Give up the shame!

Uncategorized Sep 03, 2021

Do you want to know the secret weapon to shame?

Watch this video to find out :)

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Have you ever felt like you've painted yourself in the corner?

motivation & success Aug 27, 2021

Have you ever felt like you've painted yourself in the corner?

If you are ready to turn your life around, here are 5 things you can do to get going.

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The year I started living the Dietless Living way

Headache, Neck & Jaw Clinic

I saw that clinic on my way home the other day and remembered when I would have been super interested in finding out more about what they did because I used to have 3 migraines a week (for 25 years) and constant neck and jaw pain. Horrible situation to be in and I empathize with anyone else who suffers the same.

The year I started living the Dietless Living way (2011) was the year it all went away.

For 25 years I'd been told my problems were a result of old untreated injuries sustained in car accidents, falling off horses, and early athletics.

But as it turns out, living the Dietless Living way and giving up stress, anxiety, over working, over eating, and actually getting out and really enjoying my life and being happy was the answer all along.

No more migraines, no more neck or jaw problems.

But instead a zest for life and waking up happy every day with a clear head, a thirst for adventure and a great feeling of joy and calm.

To create change, YOU...

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What's wrong with me! Why do I get so cranky!

stress & anxiety Aug 13, 2021

What's wrong with me! Why do I get so cranky!

That was something I used to say a lot.

It wasn't until I started paying attention to how I felt after food that I began to understand that food has a lot to answer for when it comes to moodiness and fluctuating mental states.

I invite you to take time this week to note how you feel before and after you eat or drink.

And not just immediately after either, pay attention to how you feel throughout the week, as some foods can have a lingering or compounding effect if your body has developed sensitivities over time to ingredients (additives etc).

Listen to how your body feels after food;

Make a note.

Then the next time you eat the same foods, pay attention again. are there repeating patterns in moods and physical feelings?

If there is, then keep monitoring it.

If any particular foods are having an adverse effect on you, allow yourself...

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Are you brave?

motivation & success Aug 06, 2021

Are you brave?

I submit that you are.

I ask every woman who comes to work with me; "What have you conquered in your life?"

And it's shocking to see how little is written under that question.

Tonight, I invite you to grab a pen and paper, and list out 50 times that you have been brave and/or fearless in your life.

Remind yourself of your strength, your courage, your determination and most importantly, your resilience and fortitude to step up and over the obstacles that have been in your way.

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50% Complete

Two Step

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