Have you heard this baby elephant metaphor before?

When circus elephants are young, their trainer ties a rope to their back leg then wraps the rope around a heavy stake in the ground. The baby elephant is not strong enough to break free. In time, it learns to be constrained – to not even try.

Later, as a fully mature adult, the trainer only has to tie a rope around the elephants leg and attach the other end to any pole or stake, and the elephant believes it's still trapped, even though it has amazing strength and power and could break free with zero effort. But because it's been conditioned to believe it's not strong enough, it no longer tries.

That's how I felt after years of yo yo weight loss/weight gain. My mind became conditioned to think it was impossible for me to break-free, that it was impossible for me to ever succeed at ditching the weight for life. And as a consequence over time, I'd begin weight loss programs with a limiting belief about my ability to succeed from the get go, and eventually I became unwilling to...

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What is the secret to great health?

health & happiness Apr 01, 2022

Understanding that everything is a system.

Our universe and earth are all systems: solar system, eco systems, marine systems.

And inside you there are many systems: biological, psychological, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, skeletal and muscular systems, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive, are all systems.

Your consciousness is system too: unconscious, conscious and higher consciousness which is all driving your mental, emotional, behavioural and physical systems.

And lastly, your life is a system: home, work, family, friends, social, local, global.

But what happens when one or more of your systems begin to malfunction?

Disorder ensues and depending how many systems and the degree to which they malfunction, depends on how much disorder you’ll have to deal with before you can get the systems of your life back in order and functioning properly again.

But the more mental, emotional or physical energy you’re required to expel to bring your...

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What's mindset?

It’s your beliefs, attitude, thoughts, feelings and assumptions about something.

It’s your ability, capacity, willingness and worth to do something.

It’s the perspectives you see through and how you engage with and react to people, places, situations and events.

It’s what you give your attention and focus to and what you’re actually looking for and expecting to find.

It drives your behaviours that lead to the results that you experience.

Which leads to the question, what’s your mindset about:
Weight loss
Health habits
Your body

6 Step Mind Body Transformation™ - Dare To Be Happy online course teaches you how to systematically shift your mindset so you can change how you think and feel about food, exercise and what you believe you can achieve.

6 Step Mind Body Transformation™ - Dare To Be Happy has been designed for:

- People who have been yo yo dieting for years, and taken all the lotions potions pills, powders...

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I learnt that I have the power to rewrite the stories of my mind...

Dietless Living is changing more than just weight, it's changing lives.

This is a testimonial from a client who was able to go from dieting hell to Dietless Living and experience true liberation from herself and the internal narrative that was keeping her stuck.

If her testimonial gives you hope that you can change your life too, please take advantage of the Personal Weight Loss Success Plan today and kick start your 2022 for only $20.22. You can do that simply by clicking this link here :-)

Dietless Living is more than a weight loss program, it will change your life.


"I contacted Katie in a terrible state, depressed and not liking myself very much. I wanted to lose weight as I thought that was the answer to my problem. I had struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember, yo-yoing up and down on the scales and with the fluctuating weight came my fluctuating mood.

What I learnt by having Katie as my coach was that being lighter/smaller wasn’t the answer,...

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Do you struggle to change your eating habits long term?

Did you know unconscious eating habits, patterns and behaviours are an accumulation of every time you’ve eaten food throughout your entire life?

They're a collection of all the times you’ve had set eating times throughout your life:
At home
At pre-school
At school
Every job you’ve ever had
Every stage of your personal life and every time you’ve self-soothed with food or beverages
And every time you've experienced an emotional connection to a specific food or time for eating food.

Those connections aren't just psychological, they're biological and neurological as well.

You entire mind and body are wired to fire in certain ways, in certain conditions to get you to do certain things.

We're a very intelligent organism and we think of ourselves as humans, like we're different to every other living thing on the planet.

But we aren’t different, we're exactly the same.

Our brain and body are mimicking, learning machines that learn, code and store information,...

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Have you read The One Thing by Gary Keller?

Gary’s philosophy is that the key to extraordinary success is focusing daily on the “One Thing” that’s most important for achieving each individual goal you have, rather than scattering yourself in many directions, multitasking, trying to do too many things and overwhelming yourself.

He predicts that when you know and focus exclusively on the most important thing everyday, everything else falls into place.

Essentially what you do is start by thinking big – seeing your goal achieved – then narrowing your focus until you’re thinking small, thinking about the detail and focusing on the most important thing you can do right now to help you get to your goal.

It’s got me thinking:

What’s your one thing that you need to do to achieve your health and weight loss goals this year?

If you’re not sure, book in now for your 2022 Personal Weight Loss Success Plan for only $20.22.

For just $20.22 you’ll have a 60 minute private...

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Who can you make a difference for?

A man was walking along the beach where thousands of starfish had been washed ashore after a storm. As he walked he noticed a boy picking up and gently throwing them back into the ocean.

Approaching the boy he asked, “Young man, what are you doing?”

“Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die,” the boy replied.

The man laughed and said, “It's a wonderful gesture young man, but there's miles of beach and thousands of starfish, your efforts won't make any difference.”

After listening politely, the boy bent down to pick up another starfish and threw it into the surf. Then, he smiled at the man and said, “I made a difference to that one.”

In life we often do nothing because we think that the little bit we can do to help others is simply too small to make a difference.

But I learned from my dad, a man who did a lot of volunteer work over his later...

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It was the first time in a long time I really felt safe

I wanted to share with you this testimonial from my client who just finished the program and how excited he is now about what he is going to achieve in 2022.

If his testimonial gives you hope that you too can change your life, please take advantage of the Personal Weight Loss Success Plan today and kick start your 2022 for only $20.22.

Dietless Living is more than a weight loss program, it will change your life.



"The Life coach extraordinaire!

My personal life had become unbearable with hate, sadness and lack of care for myself. I felt horrible physically with constant shortness of breath and I wasn't achieving anything. I had no purpose and I become a recluse. The worst part was the head noise; I literally couldn't find a kind thing to say about myself. My head space was a record player, reflecting on my past and all the sad things that's happened to me and it finally broke my spirit & my soul. The day my body started shaking with anxiety, stress and depression,...

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What do you do in a crisis?

“If you get caught in a rip, don’t discard your surfboard!”

I was both amused and amazed at what my surfing instructor said.

“Who on earth would throw away their floaty device when they're being pulled out to sea?!” I asked

“Almost all beginners.” he said.

“They panic and in their panic the board is seen as a hindrance, something that‘s dragging them out to sea, so they ditch it, thinking without the board, they’ll be able to swim to shore faster, but instead they exhaust themselves and drown.”

In that moment, I had a startling epiphany!

Whenever I felt myself caught in a rip and being pulled out to sea in my life, I too discarded my floaty devices!

I’d get so fixated on getting through whatever crisis I was in, so fixated on making “it to shore and safety”, that I’d batten down the hatches and forget about everything else.

But as I’d swim against the current of my life I’d get...

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The Change Brought By Losing Weight

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2022

"When you start to change, you're stepping out to an unknown ground; you're creating voids for yourself..."

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50% Complete

Two Step

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