Are your weight worries weighing you down? Are you ready to take back your life and take control?


How do we navigate our way through all the learned behaviours we have associated with food when we don’t even take them into consideration when we decide to lose weight? 


I know I never gave them a thought, in fact I didn’t even know I had eating “behaviours”! 


To be honest, I don’t know what I thought was going on behind the scenes of me, I just knew I was fat and the antidote to that problem was go on a diet (or take diet pills, or exercise my arse off, or not eat for days, or….”fill in the blank” of dysfunctional ways we have been taught to lose weight). 


Is it any wonder we end up with more problems than we started with?  


Being overweight isn’t actually our problem though.  


Being overweight is the result of problem. 


The problem is the habits and behaviours we’ve developed over our lifetime. 


It’s also our own...

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Dietless Living® 360°| Ep. 070 How do you navigate the social maze so you can achieve weight loss success?

podcast Sep 26, 2023


In this episode, we do a dive deep into the fascinating world of our social circles and how they impact on your weight loss plans.  


I share real-life stories, expert insights, and practical tips to help you distinguish between supportive allies and unintentional saboteurs in your social circles and how to use personal health leadership skills to take the reins and navigate these influences like a pro, maintain relationships and stay on track 


Learn to distinguish between those who support your goals and those who unintentionally hinder your progress.  


Gain insight into the subtle impact of societal norms and peer group pressure on your choices.  


By embracing your personal health leadership skills, you'll not only conquer the challenges but also find your freedom in a world full of temptations.  


Tune in to this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™  and...

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How do you step off the madness of thinking about how to lose weight and keep it off!?

It's a surreal moment isn't it? 


When you stand there, having an out of body experience watching yourself eat and wondering "Why can't I control my eating? Why am I putting food in my mouth I know I’ve decided not to eat? Why am I cheating on myself? I don't understand?"  


And even more bewildering is when you do all the "right things" and nothing happens or worse still, you put on weight!  


This is the shit that erodes at our confidence and image we have of ourselves. We think it’s an “us” thing, that no one else suffers this way and that everyone else has self-control.  


The real question becomes "How do I change what’s happening so I can get the health and life I want?"  


Now that question took me a quarter of a century to find the answer for 


Here’s what I discovered and how I found my freedom 


Gain Clarity: Understand...

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Dietless Living® 360°| Ep. 069 Bring out your inner hero: Master Your Weight Loss Journey with Personal Health Leadership™

podcast Sep 19, 2023


Struggling with motivation and clarity for losing weight?  


Discover the hero within you and transform your journey with the power of Personal Health Leadership™. It's time to embrace motivation, set clear goals, and conquer every challenge on your path to lasting success.  


Your story begins with YOU! 


In my own journey, I realized that to succeed in weight loss and attain vibrant health, I had to become the hero of my story. Like any great tale, it involved facing frustrations, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But I found my purpose, my driving force – and that was the game-changer.  


With a clear and compelling vision, I tapped into the power of Personal Health Leadership™ 


It's not just about changing habits; it's about developing the skills to navigate life's obstacles, pushing past discomfort, and banishing the fear of the unknown.  


Are you ready to find...

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101 days until Christmas | How’s your weight loss plan for 2023 going?

health & happiness Sep 15, 2023


Well, here we are…101 days until Christmas! Everyone seems to be saying the same thing….where did 2023 go?  


Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve so far in regards to transforming your weight and your health?  


What would you like to achieve in the next 101 days so that you can turn up to Christmas and the New Year feeling pleased with yourself that you’ve kept your promise to yourself? 


Some things to consider: 


Step 1

  • Know where you are heading: What specifically do you want to achieve in regards to your health and weight in 101 days? 


Step 2 

  • What can you do right now? 

  • What can’t you do right now? 

  • What resources, skills and talent do you have available to you? 


Step 3 

  • Draw a mud map 

  • Keep it simple 

  • Think big picture in the first instance  

  • Break that down into two, then quarters, then eights – little...
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What's holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals? 

health & happiness Sep 08, 2023


Adrianna Huffington said in a recent article “We can’t let these extraordinary advances (in technology) blind us to the tragedy of modern healthcare and to the much-neglected miracle drug right in front of us: our daily behaviors. 


She asks the very relevant question “Why is the power of behaviour change so overlooked?” as she pointed out that “whilst most people find it too hard to do, science shows that behavior change is absolutely possible when it’s done right.” 


The problem is how to find someone who actually has a complete change behaviour process and program ready and waiting for you to step straight into so you can find your freedom. 


Bookshop and online shelves are overflowing with books about how to create a new habit, and why we need to improve our unhealthy habits. 


Creating new habits through changing our behaviours is only half the story though right? We also have to...

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Dietless Living® 360°| Ep. 067 What’s the secret to tapping into your inner power to create lasting change?

podcast Sep 06, 2023

Are you over struggling with yourself so you can stick to your weight loss resolutions that seem impossible to keep?  


Dive into the heart of behaviour change with me and find out how to keep your promises to yourself, loss weight and make your transformation stick. 


Whether it's changing your food habits, boosting your fitness routine or reducing stress and anxiety, you can tap into your personal power and find your freedom. 


Discover why behaviour change is the key to forming lasting habits and preventing habit relapse, and how personal health leadership skills can guide you through the challenges, both internal and external.  


Your journey to a healthier, happier, lighter you begins today. 


Tune in to this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ and find out how. 

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees The Weight is Over™ on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes,...

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How do you find weight loss success through personal health leadership™ so you can go from anxious & overweight to empowered & free?

health & happiness Sep 01, 2023


I remember when I first realised I had anxiety, I was in my early forties and I’d bought a fun book “The Big Book of Psychological Quizzes”. I've always been intrigued by quizzes, finding them a playful way to delve into the realms of psychology. 


Little did I know that one quiz within this book would be a game-changer for me. 


I answered the questions, checked my results and was met with a surprising revelation: "You're riddled with anxiety, but nobody knows because you're the kind of person that looks cool, calm and collected on the exterior while on the inside, you're a seething mass of anxiety." 


I was taken aback. Anxiety? I had always identified those feelings I felt in my gut as nausea and that it was a signal to eat because eating did always seem to soothe those jiggered raw sensations in my mind and body. 


But there it was, a new way to think about what I was experiencing and that gave me a new...

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From Shy Beginnings to Empowering Lives | What’s Your Superpower?

health & happiness Aug 29, 2023

Join me this week as Faye Waterman The Conversation Curator peels back the layers to find my superpowers on her podcast "What's Your Superpower?" 


From unravelling the complexities of human behavior to empowering individuals to conquer emotional challenges we uncover the evolution of my superpowers through personal health leadership. 


Discover the secrets to achieve lasting well-being along the path of self-discovery, shifting perspectives on weight loss, and finding true happiness. 


This conversation is all about embracing vulnerability, fostering self-compassion, and unlocking the magic within. 


Tune in for an insightful exploration of personal growth, weight loss, and the magic of embracing your true self. 


#freedomseekers #findyourfreedom #whatsyoursuperpower #personalhealthleadership #katiegordon #weightlossjourney #permanentweightloss #dietfreelife #inspiration #overcomingobstacles...

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Embrace Life Beyond Stress: Unveiling the Path to Overcoming Unhealthy Habits

diets & dieting Aug 25, 2023


You know, this life of ours has a funny way of throwing us curveballs when we least expect it.  


We often find ourselves tangled up in the web of unhappiness and stress and struggling to break free.  


It's during these challenging times that we often turn to our various coping strategies, and for many of us, that means some not-so-healthy eating behaviors. 


I've been there – feeling like the weight of the world is pressing down on me and the easiest and fastest escape is through the comfort of food 


Late-night snacks, that piece of cake quickly purchased as you walk past the shop, or the crunch or chewiness of your favourite confectionary. They all offer a fleeting moment of solace, a temporary distraction from the overwhelming emotions that surround us.


It feels like a brief respite, a momentary pause from the chaos of reality. 


We think that food is giving us pleasure but the pleasure...

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